You know, sometimes you have it, and sometimes, you don't! This is more in the "don't" category. I don't know why I was so stubborn to keep working on a layout when I was just not "feelin'" it! Well, that's the way it goes sometimes. I just haven't been feeling well this week. Many of you do not know that I have Lupus as well as Sjogren's Syndrome (which is another autoimmune disease), and I also suffer from terrible migraines frequently. This is why I work part-time as an ESL tutor instead of as a full-time librarian! Well, this week I have been in a flair. I had a horrible migraine today, but I wanted to take two of my students to a kite making afternoon about 1/2 hour from where we live. So, early this morning I took my Rx, grabbed my "heart pillow" (heating pad) for my neck, slept in my quiet, dark room until it was time to get ready to go. I did not want to disappoint "the girls." We did get to go, and the girls got to make some beautiful butterfly kites--taught by a master kite maker from China! It was so fun seeing their enjoyment!!! We also took them out to eat. This was a rare treat for them! So, we really enjoyed the day! I'm still feeling badly, but HAPPY!
Anyway, back to the layout:
The Paper Variety had a challenge where you had to scraplift one of their DT members. I decided to use elements from Tessa's layout! They are the cluster with the heart, star and flower to the lower right of the photo. I also drew a box around the photo as a frame and added some buttons in a couple of clusters. I also added a scallop to the right of the photo--which Tessa also included in her layout! I did use paint, but I used it more like the loosely followed Sketch Inspiration's #144 this week. You can see the sketch in the paint dauber circles and the border strip along the bottom of the photo as well as the little bracketed title "First Job - Gerbes." I also took a little inspiration from a CK layout called First Snowfall by Tina.